The Bush Telegraph – Port Augusta


Working together in “Shared Intent” to deliver meaningful outcomes for children, young people and families.

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Project intent: Working together in “Shared Intent” to deliver meaningful outcomes for children, young people and families.

LBI is supporting schools and agencies across Port Augusta to come together and build a wellbeing and trauma responsive community. This work is being delivered under the LBI program: The Bush Telegraph, and the local program partner is Uniting Country SA

The project is focused on empowering and building the capacity of the Port Augusta community to work together in “shared intent” and deliver meaningful wellbeing, learning and whole-of-life outcomes for local children, young people and families. 

The Bush Telegraph is founded upon the IMPACT Program. IMPACT offers an evidence-based common languageknowledgemethods and skills to intentionally translate the science of wellbeing, trauma and growth into action. It moves best-practice science from just another thing to do, to a way of thinking and being. 

The Bush Telegraph is designed to deliver sustainable ripple effects that expands from practitioners/teachers, to organisations and to children and families, and deliver outcomes important to all layers.

Project Features

The project is founded upon the following features: 

  • Foundational IMPACT training to all community partners. 
  • Coaching and resource support to local Community Champions. 
  • Rolling cycle of professional development. 
  • Local community partner conversations and group-based coaching. 
  • Delivery of locally embedded wellbeing projects (supported by LBI Foundation).
IMPACT Program

Community Funder

The 2023-24 project is being funded by:

  • The Fred P Archer Charitable Trust (Perpetual Impact Grants).

  • With in-kind support provided by LBI Foundation and the local community partners. 

2023-24 Project Calendar

Suite of capacity building opportunities available to all community partners

Project Lead and Contact

Greg Hatcher

For further information and contact details, please contact Life Buoyancy Institute’s Community Development and Wellbeing Lead, Greg Hatcher. 

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0421 826 319
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Local Impact and Stories

Footsteps Road to Recovery is a service of the Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council and we are excited to be joining The Bush Telegraph as a partner agency. It is an amazing opportunity to be a part of a project that provides learning and skill development for our staff and one that encourages a community approach to dealing with trauma and growing wellbeing.

Port Augusta is a community committed to making a difference in the lives of local children, young people and families.

Through The Bush Telegraph, LBI Foundation is partnering with the Department for Child Protection SA, Salvation Army Port Augusta, Uniting Country SA, Headspace and Centacare Catholic Country SA.
Collectively, we are working together in “shared intent” to empower the community with the shared language, knowledge, skills and methods to build a wellbeing and trauma responsive local community, and deliver outcomes important to local people.
The initiative kicked off with the foundational IMPACT training in January delivered by Greg Hatcher and Ivan Raymond. It is now being extended through the training and accreditation of Community Champions and the delivery of local wellbeing projects.
February 2024.
The Bush Telegraph Port Augusta LBI Foundation training