2025 Events Calendar

Supporting, Parenting and Teaching Adolescents With Complex Needs

20th February 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who provide support, teach and care for adolescents who present with complex needs and behaviours.

Adopting a personalised, growth-focused and intentional approach to understanding and responding to adolescents.

Understanding ‘normal’ adolescent development, including behaviour, developmental tasks (identity) and risk-taking processes.

Understanding what is ‘under the surface’ for adolescents, including brain development.

Understanding the developmental impact of historical experiences on the adolescent developmental transition (and brain), including trauma, early uncertainty and different life events.

‘Responding’ rather than ‘reacting’ to adolescent behaviour and under the surface needs.

Key areas of growth intent (or focus of scripts, strategies and intervention) for adolescents’ social, emotional, cognitive and wellbeing development.

Relationship-focused and trauma-responsive scripts, strategies and methods to ‘respond to the needs’ underpinning various adolescent behaviours, and in a neuro-developmental manner (or as personalised to an adolescent’s developmental level).

How to manage expectations and bring flexibility to support roles, with a focus on implementing a side-by-side support and coaching role.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image. 

Placement Matching With Assessment Tool

7th March 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Social workers, youth workers, case workers, placement or foster care support workers, professionals, supervisors and managers who support, monitor or are active participants in placement decision making processes for children and young people in out-of-home care.

Understanding and bringing awareness to both ‘managing’ risk (or behaviour) and ’growing’ young people in placement decision making, and using a placement matching tool to guide this process (tool provided and explored within workshop).

Understanding an individual child’s under the surface needs (developmental, growth, wellbeing and trauma), and how this may impact on different placement types.
Assessing caregiver (or placement) competence or capacity for trauma-informed practice (respond to need, not react to behaviour), as mapped to the domains of awareness, skills and mindsets.

‘How to’ match placement capacity against child needs.

Trainees will be provided a copy of LBI Foundation’s placement assessment and matching tool.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image.

IMPACT Foundations Train-The-Trainer Accreditation Workshop

26th of March 2025

9.00AM TO 4.00PM


IMPACT Coaches who are committed to be local IMPACT Trainers in their communities. 

Detailed Information

For detailed information on the pre-requisites and IMPACT Train-The-Trainer Accreditation, please download this document

Dr Ivan Raymond

Contact LBI Foundation for more information. 

Click image for registration form. 

Attachment Theory and Attachment Responsive Strategies

27th March 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who support, teach or care for children and young people.

A foundational overview of attachment theory, and avoidant, ambivalent, secure and disorganised attachment patterns, and the different behaviours and ‘under the surface factors’ related to each pattern.

An understanding of the developmental, contextual and other factors that impact on different attachment patterns.

An exploration of how one’s attachment style impacts on how supporting adults relate to and support children and young people.

A summary overview of attachment responsive caregiving (being the ‘safe-base’), including how to individually tailor these responses to different children’s needs through intentional growth planning and supporting adult communication.

Attachment caregiving as moment-to-moment supporting adult roles, where the adult figure is grounded, and responding to need and not reacting to behaviour.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image.

IMPACT Advanced  – Intentional Practitioner/ Coaching (2-Day)

3rd and 4th of April 2025

9.00AM TO 4.30PM


Anyone at the Introductory Accreditation level of the IMPACT Program, and would like to progress to the IMPACT Coach level.


The pre-requisites for this workshop are one of two pathways. 

1. Completion of the 2-Day IMPACT Respond Rather Than React (Introduction to Intentional Trauma-Responsive Practice)


2. Completion of the following:

  • 1-Day IMPACT Foundations
  • 3-Hour Specialist IMPACT Workshop on Trauma (or imminent completion).
  • Completion of a Growth Action Plan with feedback from a local IMPACT Coach and/or Trainer


This course provides trainees the core knowledge and skills to apply intentional communication and strategies to respond to the changing and diverse needs of clients (children, young people or adults), and by doing so, increase the probability that safe and higher impact learning, growth or behavioural outcomes will be delivered through the supporting adult relationship.

It brings focus to: 

  • Advanced Growth Action Planning, including through the building blocks of (1) awareness, (2) skills and (3) mindsets. 
  • Deeper levels of ‘under the surface’ reflections. 
  • Skills in intentional coaching conversations. 
  • How to apply introductory IMPACT content to advanced and more complex levels. 

For additional information on the IMPACT Coach accreditation role, click here

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Early Bird – $600.00 (GST Inc)

Normal Rate – $680.00 (GST Inc)

10% discount for 4 or more registrations. 

Click image for registration form. 

Working with Others Around a Shared Intent

15th of May 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who are committed to working side-by-side with others to deliver shared growth outcomes.

Understanding the role and importance of shared collaboration to build wellbeing-and-trauma responsive communities, and deliver optimal growth outcomes for children, youth and adults being supported.

Understanding what is intentional practice (or caregiving) and “shared intent”, and its application to schools, support teams, care teams and multi-disciplinary teams?

Understanding different categories of intent, and the role and importance of teams coming together around a “shared growth intent”.

What does a shared growth intent look in action.

The barriers and facilitators of working around a “shared growth intent” with others (being part of the solution, not part of the problem), and minimising power differentials and siloing of support.

The importance of deeper understandings of “what is happening” to foster shared plans and solutions.

Introducing the What-What-How as the core tool to foster a shared intent.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image. 

Disentangling Trauma and Neurodivergence: Understanding, to Intent and Strategies

19th June 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who are committed to working side-by-side with others to deliver shared growth outcomes.

Understanding both trauma and neurodiversity.

Adopting a personalised, growth-focused and intentional approach to understanding and responding to children and young people with backgrounds of trauma and neurodiversity.

Understanding the developmental interface between trauma and neurodiversity.

The importance of understanding developmental “needs”.

The shared and individualised best-practice growth intents of trauma and neurodiversity.

Relationship-focused and trauma-informed scripts, strategies and methods to ‘respond to the developmental needs’ of children and young people in an intentional, growth-focused and neuro-sequential manner.

Specific best-practice strategies for children and young peole wiht backgrounds of neurodiversity.

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image. 

IMPACT Advanced  – Intentional Practitioner/ Coaching (2-Day)

7th and 8th of August 2025

9.00AM TO 4.30PM


IMPACT Advanced

Anyone at the Introductory Accreditation level of the IMPACT Program, and would like to progress to the IMPACT Coach level.


The pre-requisites for this workshop are one of two pathways. 

1. Completion of the 2-Day IMPACT Respond Rather Than React (Introduction to Intentional Trauma-Responsive Practice)


2. Completion of the following:

  • 1-Day IMPACT Foundations
  • 3-Hour Specialist IMPACT Workshop on Trauma (or imminent completion).
  • Completion of a Growth Action Plan with feedback from a local IMPACT Coach and/or Trainer


This course provides trainees the core knowledge and skills to apply intentional communication and strategies to respond to the changing and diverse needs of clients (children, young people or adults), and by doing so, increase the probability that safe and higher impact learning, growth or behavioural outcomes will be delivered through the supporting adult relationship.

It brings focus to: 

  • Advanced Growth Action Planning, including through the building blocks of (1) awareness, (2) skills and (3) mindsets. 
  • Deeper levels of ‘under the surface’ reflections. 
  • Skills in intentional coaching conversations. 
  • How to apply introductory IMPACT content to advanced and more complex levels. 

For additional information on the IMPACT Coach accreditation role, click here

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Early Bird – $600.00 (GST Inc)

Normal Rate – $680.00 (GST Inc)

10% discount for 4 or more registrations. 

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

Children and Young People Who Hurt Others – Growing Empathy

14th August 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM



Teachers, caregivers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who support, teach or care for children and young people who hurt others.

Adopting a personalised, growth-focused and intentional approach to understanding and responding to children who hurt others.

Understanding aggressive or hurtful behaviours within a child or young person’s context (including instability, developmental, disability, trauma and other life circumstances).

A deep understanding of ‘under the surface’ factors that inform and drive hurtful behaviours, including feeling states, meeting needs, level of awareness, developmental skill level and mindsets.

Areas of growth intent (or focus of scripts, strategies and intervention) for children and young people who hurt others.

“Responding rather than reacting to behaviour” and balancing behaviour management versus behavioural growth.

Relationship-focused scripts, strategies and methods to ‘respond to the needs’ of children and young people who hurt others, and grow their capacity to regulate their feelings and express empathy.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

IMPACT Foundations Train-The-Trainer Accreditation Workshop

29th of August 2025

9.00AM TO 4.00PM


LBi and Lutheran Care

IMPACT Coaches who are committed to be local IMPACT Trainers in their communities. 

Detailed Information

For detailed information on the pre-requisites and IMPACT Train-The-Trainer Accreditation, please download this document

Dr Ivan Raymond

Contact LBI Foundation for more information. 

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

Thriving Versus Surviving Family Contact

25th September 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Family Contact

Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who provide support for children and young people within family contact arrangements.

The role and importance of family contact in the lives of children and young people, with a focus on identity and healthy processing of experiences.

Understanding how ‘adjustment’, ‘grief’ or ‘pain-based’ responses are expected after access, and this can still represent an opportunity to grow a child’s capacity for future positive outcomes.

Understanding the key mechanisms to support children to learn to develop a healthy relationship with both biological and out-of-home care families (or multiple family members) at the same time (no ‘splitting’ and an attachment to both).

Areas of growth intent (or focus of scripts, strategies and intervention) for children and young people with trauma histories to ‘thrive’ (or grow), as oppose to ‘survive’ family contact processes.

Associated attachment and wellbeing-responsive strategies and actions, intentionally delivered by caregivers and systems.

How to positively advocate for family contact review, where there are concerns regarding the growth potential (or harm) of family contact.

How to maintain a growth- and solution-focused mindset to family contact.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

Stress, Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

22nd October 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM



Teachers, foster parents, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who provide support and care for clients who present with complex needs, including trauma backgrounds. 

An understanding of what is ‘stress’, ‘vicarious trauma’, ‘compassion fatigue’ and ‘burnout’ and its potential impact on carers, practitioners and teachers.

An understanding of situations or events associated with vicarious trauma experiences and compassion fatigue.

Best practice strategies to build wellbeing, proactively minimise (or reduce risk of vicarious trauma) and then respond to early and later onset symptoms.

Key debriefing processes to minimise risk.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

Understanding Child and Youth Mental Health Diagnoses

13th November 2025

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Adolescent Complexity

Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who support, teach or care for children and young people.

An understanding ‘what is mental illness and diagnoses’ and how they are formulated for children and young people.

A critical analysis of the risks and benefits of diagnoses for children and young people.

Mental health diagnoses, stigma and healthy/unhealthy identity development.

Drawing upon ‘lived experiences’ as a method to de-stigamatise our understanding of mental illness.

An understanding of what is ‘reactive attachment disorder’, ‘autism spectrum disorder’, ‘oppositional defiance disorder’, ‘conduct disorder’, depressive disorders’, ‘anxiety disorders’ and other key disorders for children and young people (including personality disorders).

The prevalence of different diagnoses within an Australian context for children and young people.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)

Jessica Wagner (LBI Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Lead)

Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Registration coming out in June 2025. 

Community Conversation (Topic to be Advised)

28th November 2025

10.00AM TO 12.00PM



All community partners and interested parties. 

Content of forum to be co-designed with community partners and released in October 2024. 

LBI Team and Community Partners


Further information and registration in October 2025.