Upcoming Events

2024 Events Calendar

Stress, Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

17th October 2024

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, foster parents, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who provide support and care for clients who present with complex needs, including trauma backgrounds. 

An understanding of what is ‘stress’, ‘vicarious trauma’, ‘compassion fatigue’ and ‘burnout’ and its potential impact on carers, practitioners and teachers.

An understanding of situations or events associated with vicarious trauma experiences and compassion fatigue.

Best practice strategies to build wellbeing, proactively minimise (or reduce risk of vicarious trauma) and then respond to early and later onset symptoms.

Key debriefing processes to minimise risk.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)


Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image.  

Grief and Loss for Children and Caregivers

14th November 2024

9.30AM TO 12.30PM


Teachers, caregivers, disability workers, social workers, youth workers, case workers, support workers, professionals and practitioners who provide support and care for children and caregivers in the care system.

What is grief and loss, and the variety of ‘grief objects’ that are present for children and caregivers in the care system.

The impact of grief and loss on children and caregivers.

The behavioural and ‘under the surface’ impacts of grief and loss for both children and caregivers in the care system.

An overview of complicated versus non-complicated grief.

The key areas of growth intent for children and caregivers who have been exposed to grief and loss within the care system.

Foundational ‘how’ scripts and strategies that are central to the healthy and adaptive coping of grief and loss for children and caregivers in the system.

Dr Ivan Raymond (Clinical Psychologist)


Free – Personnel associated with member agencies. Please register through Eventbrite.

$75.00 – For non-member agency personnel. Please register through Eventbrite.

$45.00 – For non-member agency personnel where 4+ tickets are purchased. Please email info@lbi.org.au for this ticket option.

Further information and registration is through Eventbrite. 

Click image.

Community Conversation (Topic to be Advised)

29th November 2024

10.00AM TO 12.00PM


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All community partners and interested parties. 

Content of forum to be co-designed with community partners and released in October 2024. 

LBI Team and Community Partners


Available October 2024.