St Anthony’s Millicent

Introducing the Community

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School, Millicent

St Anthony's Primary School is a Year K-6 Catholic Education Primary School in Millicent

St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School provide children in Millicent a high quality learning and growth environment.

LBI Foundation has partnered with the school community since 2021, founded upon the IMPACT Program as delivered across educational settings, and guided by the Resilient IMPACT capacity building strategy.

The support has been personalised to the school and geographic community. The work has dovetailed into the broader work occurring across the region with Tenison Woods College (Mt Gambier) and Mary MacKillop Memorial School (Penola). The work has sought to strengthen the implementation of broader Catholic Education of South Australia’s wellbeing frameworks and learning initiatives (Living Learning Leading and Learn Well), as well as the whole-of-state CESA implementation of the Clarity framework. 

The intent (or outcomes) and actions of this work is summarised below. 

Local Quote

Role of IMPACT Tools

The LBI tools and strategies supportour staff to be clearer about the intent of our existing strategicpriorities. While our learning journey has only just begun, Growth Action Planning is helping us to focus our approach to enhancing student voice and agency and personal responsibility.

Intent ('What')

Build a Wellbeing and Trauma Responsive St Anthony's Catholic Community

Where Wellbeing is a Way of Thinking and Being

Made Practical Through the Following Co-Designed Outcomes


To embed a cohesive, intentional, integrated and common approach (across main site and child care) to:

  • Implement a safe, growth-focused and wellbeing-responsive learning environment. 
  • Deliver personalised student wellbeing and support services, and to meet all students at their individual starting point (needs and context).
  • Embed a trauma-responsive and inclusive support culture. 


To embed the awareness, skills and mindsets to: 

  • Intentionally respond (rather than react) to individual student needs (e.g., trauma, growth, learning, developmental) in a relationship focused and personalised manner.  
  • Grow student capacity through intentionally delivered social-emotional learning, side-by-side coaching, shared Growth Action Planning processes and through both implicit and explicit learning approaches.
  • Empower educators to work together in shared intent (including with students and families). 


To provide students high quality resources and content that is focused on: 

  • Foundational wellbeing and resilience skills. 
  • Social-emotional learning competencies and curriculum. 
  • Meta-cognitive and problem solving. 
  • How to work side-by-side with others in shared intent. 

Actions ('How')

Summary Actions of the Partnership Journey

  • All staff were IMPACT Trained, supported by wrap-around coaching and two leaders being trained to the IMPACT Coach level.
  • The focus has been on embedding IMPACT into local policies, procedures and systems, with extension training and coaching.
  • Maintenance and extension of embedding strategy, including through a community of practice and policy alignment. 
  • Advanced training and embedding of content related to attachment theory and trauma. 
  • Maintenance and extension of embedding strategy.

Community Story

School leaders connect and reflect.

Leaders from Tenison Woods College, St Anthony’s College and MAry MacKillop Memorial School pictured with Education Lead, David Kelly at a Community of Practice Reflective Day in 2021.

Leadership Team scaled
Training St Anthonys 1

 LBI Foundation IMPACT Trainer Kylie Agnew delivering the St Anthony’s foundation IMPACT Training in 2021.