Most Significant Change Evaluation of The Bush Telegraph

Introducing the Research

Most Significant Change Evaluation of The Bush Telegraph (Eyre Peninsula)

Meg Gruber, Central Queensland University

Assoc. Professor Karena Burke, Central Queensland University

In 2021, Masters Thesis Student, Meg Gruber, under the supervision of Assoc. Professor Karena Burke, conducted the Most Significant Change evaluation of the The Bush Telegraph across the Eyre Peninsula.

The researcher assessed written accounts of Community Champions of the most significant change perceived (n = 13), and then conducted focus groups to further investigate the initial themes and gain deeper understanding of the impacts (n = 6).

The study found:

  • The Bush Telegraph delivered sustainable outcomes for both Community Champions and local communities, in a manner that was aligned to the stated goals of the program (building wellbeing responsive communities).


Despite this, the study identified a range of factors that impacted on the delivery. A range of suggestions were offered to support the future sustainable implementation of The Bush Telegraph, including to foster alignment and sustainable implementation with the partner agency.

For a copy of the research summary, please click here

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    Significance of the Research

    • This study assessed the first time delivery of The Bush Telegraph. While areas of ongoing program development were offered, the research offered significant optimism of the potential value of The Bush Telegraph across regional communities. 

    Further Information

    For further information on this summative review, please contact Dr Adam Gerace on